الأمن القومي بين النهج والهيكلة والمستوى

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الأمن القومي بين النهج والهيكلة والمستوى

National security … between approach, structure and level

أ م د.ميثاق بيات عبد ألضيفي         

                   جامعة تكريت

 Dr. Mithaq Bayat Abd Al-Dhaifi

              Tikrit University

“National security … between approach, structure and level”

The concept is the document of the program to formulate the most important trends and principles of state policy and at the same time is the basis for the development of specific programs and regulatory documents in the field of national security. It consists of four sections: the state in the world community, the national interests and tasks of

the state, its implementation tasks, threats to the national security of the state, The interests of the individual are the provision of constitutional rights and freedoms, personal security, improvement of quality, standard of living, and physical, spiritual and intellectual development, so that the interests of society include maintaining public harmony, increasing the creative activity of the population and revitalizing the state spiritually. The interests of the State are to protect constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity, to establish political, economic and social stability, to apply laws unconditionally, to maintain law and order and to develop international cooperation through partnership. The integration of the interests of the individual, society and state in national interests in the economy, political and international spheres, internal defense, spiritual and cultural life, and national interests in the economy are the key. The integrated solution of these interests can only be based on a sustainable process of diversified production and technology, Providing the leading sectors of the economy with quality raw materials, equipment, army, weapons, population and social sphere in goods, services and export capacity capable of competing in the foreign goods market. And locally to ensure civil peace and national accord, stability The rule of law and the completion of the establishment of a democratic society, as well as neutralizing the causes and conditions that lead to the emergence of social, ethnic and separatist conflicts, national and regional. Coordination of the interests of the people, the establishment of their comprehensive cooperation and the conduct of a responsible and balanced national policy are the most important tasks that will guarantee the solution of the internal political stability of the country and maintain its stability and unity. The comprehensive solution of these problems must constitute the basis of the internal policy of the State and ensure its development as multinational and democratic. The State in eradicating the existence of crime and corruption and establishing a system of measures to effectively suppress these negative manifestations. The national interests in the field of spiritual life, culture and science largely determine the course and results of the ongoing reforms and the spiritual revival of society and its moral values ​​directly affect the level of development of the economy and all areas of society and the emphasis in society on high human and cultural ethics and the development of spiritual traditions. The pursuit of this interest requires the policy of a State that excludes damage to culture and ensures the preservation and development of its national values ​​and assets and the other spiritual and intellectual development of society. National interests in the international sphere also require active foreign policy to strengthen the country’s positions as a force and influential centers of the emerging multipolar world and its main components Is a voluntary establishment of the Association for the Integration of States and the development of equal partnership relations with other major powers, centers of economic and military power and development of cooperation. In the fight against transnational crime and international terrorism and the strengthening of collective management mechanisms for global political and economic processes in which the State plays an important role primarily in the United Nations Security Council. The unconditional priority of foreign policy would be activities to ensure the inviolability of the borders and the territorial integrity of the State to protect its constitutional order from potential infringements of other States. The implementation of national interests in the international sphere is determined by the nature of relations with the major powers and the integration societies of the world community. The development of equal partnership is compatible with the status of any State and its foreign policy interests. It is designed to enhance global and regional security and to create conditions for the country’s participation in world trade and cooperation. Scientific, technical, credit and financial. The development of dialogue and comprehensive cooperation with the countries of the world is in the national interest, which requires the protection of life, dignity and internationally recognized civil rights and freedoms for citizens of the State and its citizens abroad. The national interests in the field of defense are a guarantee of the security of the individual, society and the State against military aggression by other States. Therefore, ensuring security in the field of defense requires that the efforts of society and the State be focused on planned military construction with a view to maintaining and developing adequate defense capabilities to prevent, Military construction must take into account the changing balance of power on the world stage and use the country’s economic capabilities effectively to ensure adequate response to military threats to its national interests.

الأمن القومي بين النهج والهيكلة والمستوى

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